Great calendar. But, Still need bigger and better widgets, for phones with 5x5 h...

Week Calendar Widget Pro 行事曆 參考資訊

Week Calendar Widget Pro 行事曆

Week Calendar Widget Pro 行事曆

不知道大家習慣的行事曆是哪一種?今天分享一個號稱最快速的行事曆 Week Calendar Widget Pro,最快速是什麼呢?是快速查看,不需要開啟 APP...


Today Calendar 2017 - Android Apps on Google Play

Great calendar. But, Still need bigger and better widgets, for phones with 5x5 home screen grids... The current widgets look plain and empty stretched/resized to fit. A combo of the small week forecast and a more detailed version of the card widget/adding...(以下省略)

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