Slim, portable and packed with power. That's the best way to sum up what Asu...

Transformer 3 Pro 參考資訊

Transformer 3 Pro

Transformer 3 Pro

變形系列一直都是華碩的拿手好菜,手機跟平板只是螢幕大小的分別,平板跟電腦也只有鍵盤之差,總之若是有平板與筆電需求的話,可以參考 Transformer 3 Pr...


Asus Transformer 3 Pro Release Date, Price and Specs - CNET

Slim, portable and packed with power. That's the best way to sum up what Asus wants from the Transformer 3 Pro. And no, it's not just the name that bears a resemblance to Microsoft's Surface Pro range. There's also the detachable keyboard,...(以下省略)

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