The freeware download offered here is called Thumbnail Database Cleaner. Your Wi...

Thumbnail Database Cleaner 參考資訊

Thumbnail Database Cleaner

Thumbnail Database Cleaner

thumbs.db 是電腦中的縮圖快取檔案,雖然說沒有佔據太多的空間,不過也算是垃圾檔案的一種,有時候更會造成資料夾無法刪除的狀況,這時可以透過 Thumbna...


Thumbnail Database Cleaner - Download free software and games - Free Download

The freeware download offered here is called Thumbnail Database Cleaner. Your Windows operating system counts with a thumbnail cache that is used to speed up the display of thumbnails in folders. Now, when using the standard settings on your system, these...(以下省略)

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